Getting started with Hex

An overview of the major steps involved in configuring and launching your mobile app
Jeran Fox
August 31, 2023

Welcome to Hex — we’re glad you’re with us. In this article, we’ll cover three simple steps to get your app into the hands of your customers.

1. Configure

This is the fun part. Customize your theme, design your home screen, and set up your catalog — all available in the “Configure” section. You can check out your design in the web preview or test it out in our demo app.

2. Subscribe

We’ve designed Hex so you can customize and test your app, all without a subscription. To launch your app to the public, you’ll need to choose one of our plans.

At the moment, you have the opportunity to take part in our early adopters program at a special price. Find plan information in the Plans tab.

3. Launch

This is the big moment. Now that you’re happy with your design, it’s time to make your app available to the public.

Under “Launch > Store listing” you can customize the information that will be displayed in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. When you’re happy with it, save it, then go to the “Status” tab and click the "Start launch" button. We’ll build your app, submit it to the app stores, and send you regular progress updates.

Well done — your customers have a delightful new way to shop on their phones.